Internet has made the world a global village. People of Pakistan are adopting online shopping trends because of the existence of many online shopping websites in Pakistan. People of Pakistan are now aware of e-commerce and they like to shop from various trustworthy online shops.
Social media has also played a vital role. You can see the advertisements of many online shops on Facebook.
TCS, which has long been an established courier service in Pakistan, has expanded its online presence to start offering a wide array of products. They range from electronics, books and appliances to automobile parts. Customers can order these products online and have them shipped (for free) to their homes.
An Example,My friend recently purchased a piece of jewellery from an online store and had it delivered to her home within the next two days. The online transaction saved her from the trouble of searching for jewellery of her liking at actual jewellery shops. In this way, e-commerce not only saves your time, it also gives you a more diverse range of options to choose from. All these online transactions can be carried out without leaving the comfort of your home or without facing the scorching heat.
Social media has also played a vital role. You can see the advertisements of many online shops on Facebook.
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For Online Shopping in Pakistan
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